Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wall Pillows

Do you ever wish you had a small breakfast nook? A little study area? A comfortable place where you can just lean back and relax while reading the paper? Many of us find ourselves with more visions than time so we put off doing some home projects that might, in the long run, make life more comfortable. Time is of the essence, though, isnt it? Do you have a few minutes? Who can say they dont? Use those few minutes to make a cute and handy arrangement at home. You can quickly turn a bench seat and a table into a breakfast nook when you hang pillows on the wall!Some people spend hundreds of dollars on building materials to turn a corner or other area of the home into a nook. If youve been dreaming of a little nook somewhere in your house, but dont have a large budget or a lot of time, spend a few minutes and you can have that nook.Set a bench seat, cedar chest, foot locker or similar object against a wall to begin making the breakfast nook. Now just decide on the look you want for the area and go purchase pillows. Hang the pillows on the wall over the bench seat and youll be finished!Purchase square or rectangular pillows so that you have one pillow for each seat. So, if youre using a footlocker, and it will comfortably seat two people, purchase two pillows. Another option is to simply by one body pillow. Check the measurements of the chest or seat before purchasing a long pillow.Measure the length of the seat then divide by how many people it will seat. Purchase pillows to equal an amount close to that measurement. For instance, if the seat measures 40", and it comfortably seats two people, purchase two pillows which are around 20" each. The pillows will butt together if you purchase ones which are exactly 20" wide. Create a different look by leaving a gap between them when you use smaller pillows.Cut a small piece of ribbon or even seam binding, fold it in half, then tack the ends to one corner of the pillow. Do the same to the other side. Now just use tacks or decorative hangers to hang the pillows in their places on the wall. Create higher seats or make seats to match the wall pillows by using Velcro strips to hold additional pillows to the bench seat or chest.Its great when youre able to turn a weekend project - like building a breakfast nook - into a job that takes only a few minutes. Youll enjoy the new nook for many years, but when you tire of the look, just go buy new pillows!See hanging pillows here.

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