You always see old tv shows where the entire family is gathered around the table, enjoying a meal together, seemingly at peace with themselves and each other. Todays world isnt like that at all! Its hectic, its fast-paced, it can actually be a madhouse at home! Seldom do you see everyones schedules coincide so that the family life can resemble those of old tv shows. If youve got a lot going on at your house, and you cant always sit down with the others, things can get confusing. You forget to tell someone they need to stop at the store. You forget you have an assignment due at school. You meant to talk to one of the other family members but you havent run into him yet today! Everyone gathers in the kitchen - even if its not at the same time - so why not make the kitchen "message central"? The refrigerator is the perfect place to put reminders, notes and more. Family members can stay in touch, kids can post reminders of school work, and each person can have a space of his own.
Small cardboard boxes make a great way to create the refrigerator message center. Paint the boxes, gift wrap them or cover them in cloth. The boxes need no lids. Cut a piece of magnetic sheeting and stick it on the back of each box. Make one box per family member. Use stickers or markers to write the names of the people on the boxes. Now you can leave notes for each other and leave reminders for yourself.
Instead of using boxes you can also use pockets. Cut a pocket from an old garment for each person in the home. Or, cut pocket shapes from felt, fabric or even paper. Decorate the pockets how you want then put a name on each pocket. Once again, use strips of magnetic sheeting to attach the message holders to the fridge. Make your refrigerator into a cork board for messages by simply purchasing a small roll of cork. Its found at craft stores and, with magnetic sheet strips, it can easily be attached to the refrigerator. Just cut the size you want, stick the sheeting strips all the way around the perimeter, on the backside, then stick the cork board to the fridge. Use push-pins to hold notes, photos and more. Eventually, everyone comes to the kitchen. Its the best place for creating a message center since, sooner or later, the recipient of the message will show up to eat. Its easy to make all sorts of magnetic organizers for the fridge and these will keep your household running just a little smoother than before!
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